...the continuation.
(an excerpt of an article written by
Bjorn Martinoff, Executive Coach, at EzineArticles.com)
Coaches come is varying degrees of experience. Some have
certifications but little experience, some have no certifications but
tons of experience.
The best way to choose a coach is to ask people who
have had coaches before and ask for their experience with their coaches.
The next step would be to take your new coach for a test drive to see
if you're a fit. If after your first session you like your coach, you
feel more empowered, and you feel your coach can make a contribution to
your life and career, then go for it. Give it a chance. Some coaches
will have packages available that allow you to sign up for a month to
six months, or even longer. Usually the longer the commitment the better
the price.
What do you need to do to prepare for your first
coaching experience? All you have to do is be very open, be ready to
share your reality as it really occurs for you. It is most important to
be truthful to your coach. No coaching session is going to be successful
if you're not telling the truth. So forget about making it sound nicer
than it really is because you won't be doing yourself a favor.
next important thing is to shoot for big goals. You don't need a coach
for little goals, so don't bother. You can achieve little goals on your
I invite you however to take on large goals because the
coaching will be worth your while and you will stretch yourself and in
the process become more powerful and more successful.
Is coaching
about getting rid of problems? Sorry to disappoint you here.... No
coaching won't get rid of problems, never wish for problems to go away.
Problems will go away eventually and that is when you are six feet
under. With coaching you will be able to tackle larger and larger
problems, while making it more and more fun. After some time you will be
making fun at the problems you are having today. The things you call
problems today will no longer be problems to you.
If Donald Trump were to become a Millionaire he'd feel dirt poor.
search bar

Custom Search
Power Search!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Coaching: An Executive Coach Viewpoint
(an excerpt of an article written by
Bjorn Martinoff, Executive Coach, at EzineArticles.com)
When I first went to Asia, coaching was virtually unknown. Potential clients were often confused by the idea that coaching was somehow related to Psychology, Psychiatry, Counseling, Mentoring, or Advice Giving. Coaching is none of that. Does a coach on occasion give advice? Sure, just that it's not coaching, it's Advice Giving.
The difference between the different fields are quite significant.
Psychology is about the past and coaching is about the present and the future. Psychology is about healing what happened, coaching is about powerfully creating what is happening and WILL happen. You can already get a sense here, can't you?
Psychiatry is concerned with your nervous system and your body chemistry, speak your hormones. In coaching we won't touch that, yikes :)
Mentoring is about telling you what to do from a perspective of 'been there and done that'. Most mentors will be working higher up in the same or a similar organization, they will have considerable experience and can share this wealth of knowledge with you. Having a mentor is powerful and highly recommended, however it's not coaching.
So what does coaching do? A coach won't give advice and won't tell you what to do. Most won't even have any experience in your industry, so how can they be effective?
Coaches are not in the business of giving advice. Experienced coaches may have an intuitive sense of where they would like to lead you, however for coaches it is important that they keep an open mind. After all it's about you and your goals, not theirs. AND a good coach will see you as the expert in your field. Your coach will ask the right questions so you can reveal your own best answer.
It wouldn't feel empowering if I gave you all the answers, would it?
How do I see my clients? I see my clients as whole and complete. When Leonardo DaVinci created the statue of David he was asked how he did such marvelous work. To Leonardo this was easy, David was always there and he claims that all he had to do was remove what was NOT David. We all have David within us just waiting to be revealed. In coaching we reveal and bring to light your own greatness.
How does coaching work? There are many structures to coaching and many different models to choose from. A seasoned coach will never rely on just one or two or three coaching models, a well-rounded coach has an entire tool belt full of coaching tools to choose from. Of course good coaching skills don't get developed over night and you will find that there are coaches in various stages of development.
In short, a coach will ask you questions that will lead you to a goal that inspires you from within. It's probably been there for a long time, just like David who's been waiting for billions of years to be revealed. (Warning: Your goals may not be as old as David)
Coaches are experts at asking questions. They ask really good questions. Questions that will help you reveal your own answers. And that's why a coach doesn't necessarily need to be in your field. A coach believes in you and your abilities, you are the expert in your life, the coach is the expert at revealing your greatness.
*Bjorn Martinoff is an executive coach focusing on accelerating business results where it counts most for his clients. Bjorn has nearly two decades of experience in senior management coaching and has been referred to as Number One Global Executive Coach on the Global News Network - GNN. You may check his websites at: www.f1c-international.com and/or www.fortune100coach.com. For a FREE 30-minute coaching session with Bjorn, the Executive Coach, Click Here .
When I first went to Asia, coaching was virtually unknown. Potential clients were often confused by the idea that coaching was somehow related to Psychology, Psychiatry, Counseling, Mentoring, or Advice Giving. Coaching is none of that. Does a coach on occasion give advice? Sure, just that it's not coaching, it's Advice Giving.
The difference between the different fields are quite significant.
Psychology is about the past and coaching is about the present and the future. Psychology is about healing what happened, coaching is about powerfully creating what is happening and WILL happen. You can already get a sense here, can't you?
Psychiatry is concerned with your nervous system and your body chemistry, speak your hormones. In coaching we won't touch that, yikes :)
Mentoring is about telling you what to do from a perspective of 'been there and done that'. Most mentors will be working higher up in the same or a similar organization, they will have considerable experience and can share this wealth of knowledge with you. Having a mentor is powerful and highly recommended, however it's not coaching.
So what does coaching do? A coach won't give advice and won't tell you what to do. Most won't even have any experience in your industry, so how can they be effective?
Coaches are not in the business of giving advice. Experienced coaches may have an intuitive sense of where they would like to lead you, however for coaches it is important that they keep an open mind. After all it's about you and your goals, not theirs. AND a good coach will see you as the expert in your field. Your coach will ask the right questions so you can reveal your own best answer.
It wouldn't feel empowering if I gave you all the answers, would it?
How do I see my clients? I see my clients as whole and complete. When Leonardo DaVinci created the statue of David he was asked how he did such marvelous work. To Leonardo this was easy, David was always there and he claims that all he had to do was remove what was NOT David. We all have David within us just waiting to be revealed. In coaching we reveal and bring to light your own greatness.
How does coaching work? There are many structures to coaching and many different models to choose from. A seasoned coach will never rely on just one or two or three coaching models, a well-rounded coach has an entire tool belt full of coaching tools to choose from. Of course good coaching skills don't get developed over night and you will find that there are coaches in various stages of development.
In short, a coach will ask you questions that will lead you to a goal that inspires you from within. It's probably been there for a long time, just like David who's been waiting for billions of years to be revealed. (Warning: Your goals may not be as old as David)
Coaches are experts at asking questions. They ask really good questions. Questions that will help you reveal your own answers. And that's why a coach doesn't necessarily need to be in your field. A coach believes in you and your abilities, you are the expert in your life, the coach is the expert at revealing your greatness.
To be continued…
*Bjorn Martinoff is an executive coach focusing on accelerating business results where it counts most for his clients. Bjorn has nearly two decades of experience in senior management coaching and has been referred to as Number One Global Executive Coach on the Global News Network - GNN. You may check his websites at: www.f1c-international.com and/or www.fortune100coach.com. For a FREE 30-minute coaching session with Bjorn, the Executive Coach, Click Here .
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Millioniare Mindset
This is an excerpt of an article that talks about a wealthy mindest - the foundation of accumulating wealth. Enjoy the reading :)
The Millionaire Mindset
There are key differences between the way rich people look at money and the way the rest of us do, according to Siebold:
- Wealthy people look at money in positive terms and as an opportunity, where as most of us live in fear of being laid off or not having enough money for retirement.
- Instead of worrying about running out of money, soon to be millionaires are thinking how to make more money. World-class performers are finding problems that are profitable to solve. They know that just because a solution hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
- Millionaires tend to move towards what they want, rather than move away from what they don't want, which is what the masses most often do.
- World-class thinkers have the guts to be optimistic right now in these shaky times and reject the middle-class cynicism that plagues the masses. It's not comfortable for a millionaire in the making to forge ahead when everyone around him or her is negative, cynical and unsupportive, yet the great ones push forward and are rewarded with riches for the rest of their lives.
Siebold's bottom line: "Take inventory of your consciousness and the way you think about money and ask yourself: Is this the way a rich person thinks or someone in the middle class thinks about money?"
To view the entire article CLICK HERE!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Millionaire Mind Intensive Wealth Declarations
millionaire mind,
t.harv eker,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Money Diskarte 101
Recessionomics 101:
How to Make Extra Money
by Jilian Mincer
Jennifer Winslow wanted to earn some extra cash without giving up the flexibility of working part time.
An avid cook, she and a friend initially planned to cater meals for busy families. When that turned out to be too time consuming, she tried baking. More than five years later, she has a thriving bakery business in Winslow, Maine (her husband's family has been in town a long time).
Now on her own, she supplies four restaurants with cakes and other sweets and makes desserts for individuals and weddings.
A growing number of Americans would like to follow Mrs. Winslow's example. Job loss, tighter credit and a renewed appreciation for savings is persuading more people to cut expenses.
But you can cut only so far. Two full years of recession have not left many unexamined family expenses. Meanwhile, prices -- from gasoline to utilities to food -- haven't fallen. And incomes, if you still have one, aren't exactly shooting through the roof. It's time to make some money.
Fortunately, there also are many ways to earn extra cash even when full-time jobs and extra shifts aren't an option. They include taking in boarders, starting a small business and getting paid for your opinion. Some of this work provides only a free meal and $10 fee but others, such as tutoring or selling Grandma's diamond broach, could be quite lucrative.
The key, according to Gail Cunningham, a spokeswoman for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, is to "find your skill or what you think would be fun to do." She says, for example, someone with computer skills may want to teach a class, install computers or create Web sites.
"Think about what are people willing to pay for," says Ms. Cunningham. "Who do you know and how can you leverage existing relationships." For example, does your dentist need someone to clean the office or does your accountant need someone to cater the Christmas party?
1. Sell It: One of the fastest and easiest ways to get extra cash is to sell unwanted and unused stuff. And it's never been easier to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars. You could post a few signs in the neighborhood and sell everything at a Saturday garage sale or you could try the online route with services such as eBay or Craigslist.
Linda Lightman first tried eBay more than 10 years ago because she wanted to help her sons get more for their old videogames. It was so easy that the former lawyer started selling her old suits. Then, friends asked her to sell theirs.
Today, shoplindasstuff.com has 50 employees and expects to reach $7 million in sales this year on eBay. "The economy has been the perfect storm for my business," Ms. Lightman says. "More people need cash, and more people are looking for bargains."
Auction houses also are a popular place to sell potentially valuable items. Alexander Eblen, head of the jewelry and fine timepieces department at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago, says people often don't realize the value of an old watch or grandmother's Art Deco jewelry. For example, a Tiffany broach recently sold for about $68,000.
Don't overlook some of the more mundane items, such as books and sports equipment. Many bookstores provide cash or store credits for "gently" used books. Similarly, stores like Play It Again Sports provide cash and store credits for gently used sports equipment. Check with local stores but they often need golf clubs, ice skates, lacrosse equipment and other gear.
2. Rent It: Your home, probably your biggest asset, is a potential source of extra cash. A growing number of people are renting out a room or grabbing a roommate for extra income. It's less difficult for residents in "destination" locations near colleges, resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks, months or long term.
Some homeowners prefer using a real-estate agent, others like finding renters themselves, online or through friends. Either way, it's crucial to vet the potential tenant and spell out expectations. Rents vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands in large cities.
Another option that's a longtime favorite of students and young adults is earning extra cash for house and pet sitting.
3. Say It: Many businesses are willing to reward individuals for taking opinion polls, testing products or being a secret shopper. The compensation varies, and it's crucial to avoid scams. Work only with reputable companies and avoid anything that requires a membership fee. One place to start is OpinionPlace.com, which lets poll participants choose Amazon.com gift cards, PayPal credits or American Airlines AAdvantage miles. There also are stores such as CVS, whose Advisor program provides consumers who complete surveys with ExtraBucks coupons.
People won't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper. Once again, watch out for scams. Don't pay any fees or respond to unsolicited emails. A good place to start is Volition.com or Mysteryshop.org, the Web site for the Mystery Shopping Providers Association.
4. Do It: One of the best ways to earn extra cash is by creating a business using existing skills and interests. An artist may teach a class, a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.
"What are you volunteering for that you could get paid for?" asks Ms. Cunningham. She says it could be as simple as getting paid for office work or watching your child's classmate after school.
One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor, either for a college-prep class or a specific subject. Typical pay ranges from $30 to more than $100 an hour, depending on where you live.
Mrs. Winslow always loved to cook. "People would always ask me if I could bring the dessert if I was going somewhere for dinner," she says.
A master at multitasking, she works about 20 hours a week for Jennifer's Edibles. Her advice: "Start small and do things that are manageable. Don't get so overwhelmed that you want to quit."
Write to Jilian Mincer at jilian.mincer@dowjones.com
SOURCE: http://customsites.yahoo.com/financiallyfit/finance/article-108664-3951-1-how-to-make-extra-money?ywaad=ad0035
How to Make Extra Money
by Jilian Mincer
Jennifer Winslow wanted to earn some extra cash without giving up the flexibility of working part time.
An avid cook, she and a friend initially planned to cater meals for busy families. When that turned out to be too time consuming, she tried baking. More than five years later, she has a thriving bakery business in Winslow, Maine (her husband's family has been in town a long time).
Now on her own, she supplies four restaurants with cakes and other sweets and makes desserts for individuals and weddings.
A growing number of Americans would like to follow Mrs. Winslow's example. Job loss, tighter credit and a renewed appreciation for savings is persuading more people to cut expenses.
But you can cut only so far. Two full years of recession have not left many unexamined family expenses. Meanwhile, prices -- from gasoline to utilities to food -- haven't fallen. And incomes, if you still have one, aren't exactly shooting through the roof. It's time to make some money.
Fortunately, there also are many ways to earn extra cash even when full-time jobs and extra shifts aren't an option. They include taking in boarders, starting a small business and getting paid for your opinion. Some of this work provides only a free meal and $10 fee but others, such as tutoring or selling Grandma's diamond broach, could be quite lucrative.
The key, according to Gail Cunningham, a spokeswoman for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, is to "find your skill or what you think would be fun to do." She says, for example, someone with computer skills may want to teach a class, install computers or create Web sites.
"Think about what are people willing to pay for," says Ms. Cunningham. "Who do you know and how can you leverage existing relationships." For example, does your dentist need someone to clean the office or does your accountant need someone to cater the Christmas party?
1. Sell It: One of the fastest and easiest ways to get extra cash is to sell unwanted and unused stuff. And it's never been easier to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars. You could post a few signs in the neighborhood and sell everything at a Saturday garage sale or you could try the online route with services such as eBay or Craigslist.
Linda Lightman first tried eBay more than 10 years ago because she wanted to help her sons get more for their old videogames. It was so easy that the former lawyer started selling her old suits. Then, friends asked her to sell theirs.
Today, shoplindasstuff.com has 50 employees and expects to reach $7 million in sales this year on eBay. "The economy has been the perfect storm for my business," Ms. Lightman says. "More people need cash, and more people are looking for bargains."
Auction houses also are a popular place to sell potentially valuable items. Alexander Eblen, head of the jewelry and fine timepieces department at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago, says people often don't realize the value of an old watch or grandmother's Art Deco jewelry. For example, a Tiffany broach recently sold for about $68,000.
Don't overlook some of the more mundane items, such as books and sports equipment. Many bookstores provide cash or store credits for "gently" used books. Similarly, stores like Play It Again Sports provide cash and store credits for gently used sports equipment. Check with local stores but they often need golf clubs, ice skates, lacrosse equipment and other gear.
2. Rent It: Your home, probably your biggest asset, is a potential source of extra cash. A growing number of people are renting out a room or grabbing a roommate for extra income. It's less difficult for residents in "destination" locations near colleges, resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks, months or long term.
Some homeowners prefer using a real-estate agent, others like finding renters themselves, online or through friends. Either way, it's crucial to vet the potential tenant and spell out expectations. Rents vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands in large cities.
Another option that's a longtime favorite of students and young adults is earning extra cash for house and pet sitting.
3. Say It: Many businesses are willing to reward individuals for taking opinion polls, testing products or being a secret shopper. The compensation varies, and it's crucial to avoid scams. Work only with reputable companies and avoid anything that requires a membership fee. One place to start is OpinionPlace.com, which lets poll participants choose Amazon.com gift cards, PayPal credits or American Airlines AAdvantage miles. There also are stores such as CVS, whose Advisor program provides consumers who complete surveys with ExtraBucks coupons.
People won't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper. Once again, watch out for scams. Don't pay any fees or respond to unsolicited emails. A good place to start is Volition.com or Mysteryshop.org, the Web site for the Mystery Shopping Providers Association.
4. Do It: One of the best ways to earn extra cash is by creating a business using existing skills and interests. An artist may teach a class, a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.
"What are you volunteering for that you could get paid for?" asks Ms. Cunningham. She says it could be as simple as getting paid for office work or watching your child's classmate after school.
One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor, either for a college-prep class or a specific subject. Typical pay ranges from $30 to more than $100 an hour, depending on where you live.
Mrs. Winslow always loved to cook. "People would always ask me if I could bring the dessert if I was going somewhere for dinner," she says.
A master at multitasking, she works about 20 hours a week for Jennifer's Edibles. Her advice: "Start small and do things that are manageable. Don't get so overwhelmed that you want to quit."
Write to Jilian Mincer at jilian.mincer@dowjones.com
SOURCE: http://customsites.yahoo.com/financiallyfit/finance/article-108664-3951-1-how-to-make-extra-money?ywaad=ad0035
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Change Begins With Me...NOW!

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
"The Change in Me" Story
A man near the end of his life tells his children a very important lesson he has learned about life. He told them:
"When I was young, I wanted to change the world. However, as I got older, I realized that it was too difficult so I focused on changing my country."
Then he continued...
"Without much success, I then focused on changing my community. Finding it challenging later in life, I decided that I will just change my family."
As he now feels his life nearing its end he finally tells his children...
"I also gave up changing my family as that turned out to be hard to do too. I now realized that if I had started the change in myself, I might have inspired you, my family to change. And maybe our family can influence the community to change, which might led our country to change and with God's help...maybe make happen that small but significant change the world needs.'
"Do not look for the change in other people. You only have the power to change the person that is you...first!"
Change begins with me, and it begins with me now!
May this very relevant (and popular) song (lyrics provided first. video is at the bottom of this post) remind you when you hear its melody that you have the power to change the world when you know the best place to start it from...YOU!
I'm Gonna Make A Change, For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good, Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
As I, Turn Up The Collar On My Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street, With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind? Pretending Not To See Their Needs
A Summer's Disregard, A Broken Bottle Top And A One Man's Soul
They Follow Each Other On The Wind Ya' Know
'Cause They Got Nowhere To Go
That's Why I Want You To Know
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change)
(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah)
I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish Kind Of Love It's Time That I Realize
That There Are Some With No Home, Not A Nickel To Loan
Could It Be Really Me, Pretending That They're Not Alone?
A Willow Deeply Scarred, Somebody's Broken Heart
And A Washed-Out Dream (Washed-Out Dream)
They Follow The Pattern Of The Wind, Ya' See
Cause They Got No Place To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With Me
(Starting With Me!)
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change)
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
(Change His Ways-Ooh!)
And No Message Could've Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make That . . .
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make That . . .)
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror,
(Man In The Mirror-Oh Yeah!)
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
(Better Change!)
No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make The Change)
(You Gotta Get It Right, While You Got The Time)
('Cause When You Close Your Heart)
You Can't Close Your . . .Your Mind!
(Then You Close Your . . .Mind!)
That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man
With That Man In The Mirror
(Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)
That Man, That Man, That Man
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
(Better Change!)
You Know . . .That Man
No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah
(Oh Yeah!)
Gonna Feel Real Good Now!
Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah
(Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, No No . . .
I'm Gonna Make A Change
It's Gonna Feel Real Good!
Come On!
(Change . . .)
Just Lift Yourself You Know
You've Got To Stop It.
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
I've Got To Make That Change, Today!
(Man In The Mirror)
You Got To
You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .
Brother . . .
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
You Know-I've Got To Get That Man, That Man . . .
(Man In The Mirror)
You've Got To
You've Got To Move! Come
On! Come On!
You Got To . . .
Stand Up! Stand Up!
Stand Up!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Stand Up And Lift Yourself, Now!
(Man In The Mirror)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Gonna Make That Change . . .
Come On!
(Man In The Mirror)
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know . . .
(Change . . .)
Make That Change.
Man In The Mirror
Michael Jackson
change now,
change story,
i change,
man in the mirror lyrics,
michael jackson,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Secondary Income Source: A Need Now
As i was looking for additional sources of income i come across an interesting article on e-Zine articles talking about stock options trading. I am not an investor yet but am seriously considering trading as a secondary source of income. Then i come across this article. Am putting this article on my Grow Pinoy Blog because this can be a very potential area where we can grow our wealth source wisdom. Please write me your honest comment on this financial instrument. Enjoy reading this article.
Having a Secondary Income is No Longer a Choice
By Andy Poon
Due to the higher standard of living today, a secondary source of income is no longer a choice but a must. In the past, families used to only have one sole breadwinner who is normally the father of the house. But to many families today, having only one sole breadwinner is no longer enough. Both the parents need to come out to work because they require another pay check to help support the family.
Who does not want to have an extra source of income? But why are there still so many people who did not do it? That is because most people have the misconception that to have an extra source of income means they have to trade hours to make some pennies.
This may be true if it is 20 years ago. Today, having a secondary source of income does not require you to work for extra long hours or be at a specific location anymore.
With the power of Internet, you are now able to make some decent extra money anywhere you want with more than 100 ways available.
Meaning to say, you do not need to go get a job anymore for extra money. You don't even need to sell anything to anybody! Second job or selling some products after office hours may be a very quick solution to the problem for the short term but think about it.
You have already spent 8 hours in your job and the pay check you got from the job is already insufficient, what makes you think by working another job for another 5 hours will help you? If you are like most normal working class, you have only 5 hours (deducting 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, 2 hours of travelling and 1 hour of meal time) left to work on.
What I mean is do not keep doing the same thing and hoping it will solve your problem and expect different results because it won't. Do you want a short term solution to a long term problem? Or are you willing to use more time to learn something that can help solve the program for good?
During my search of a long term solution, I understand that I must first be able to search for an extra source of income for the long run and not a one time job or a contract deal for several months. And I also want to know if the extra source can eventually take over my main income.
If it does, that is something worth trying.
And because of the above 2 criteria, I chose to put some of my extra time into stock options trading.
The reasons are simple.
Firstly, I can start with a relatively low amount of start up capital. How small? I started with only $2, 000. Secondly, it offers me the flexibility to make money regardless of market conditions and directions (Of course, if you know how to). Thirdly, I use only less than half an hour to trade. Very little time commitment required.
Last but not least, to date, stock options trading is the only instrument that allows you to turn a losing trade into a winning one and still make a little money. These are just some of the reasons why I chose stock options trading compared to getting a second job.
Of course, it sounded very easy but all my achievements did not come easy. This comes from years of hard work and the lessons that I got from the market. So if you want to be investing your money in the stock market. Whether it is stocks, options or anything, you need to have a proven method that allows you to profit from it consistently.
If you are serious about finding an extra source of income and you really think stock options trading is for you, I urge you to visit my website now.
What you will see on the website will change the way you invest like it changes mine.
If you are in search for a real options strategy to add into your arsenal, then I recommend you my book, Huge Profits Options Trading with Simple Analysis.
This is a no nonsense or textbook strategy book. All the information presented in this book is about sharing with you how to study the market, when to enter and when to exit and take profits. Whether you are into stock or stock options trading, this book is for you.
Go to my website, http://www.buylowsellhightips.com/ to witness the extraordinary stock options trading ebook.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Poon
Grow Pinoy!
Having a Secondary Income is No Longer a Choice
By Andy Poon
Due to the higher standard of living today, a secondary source of income is no longer a choice but a must. In the past, families used to only have one sole breadwinner who is normally the father of the house. But to many families today, having only one sole breadwinner is no longer enough. Both the parents need to come out to work because they require another pay check to help support the family.
Who does not want to have an extra source of income? But why are there still so many people who did not do it? That is because most people have the misconception that to have an extra source of income means they have to trade hours to make some pennies.
This may be true if it is 20 years ago. Today, having a secondary source of income does not require you to work for extra long hours or be at a specific location anymore.
With the power of Internet, you are now able to make some decent extra money anywhere you want with more than 100 ways available.
Meaning to say, you do not need to go get a job anymore for extra money. You don't even need to sell anything to anybody! Second job or selling some products after office hours may be a very quick solution to the problem for the short term but think about it.
You have already spent 8 hours in your job and the pay check you got from the job is already insufficient, what makes you think by working another job for another 5 hours will help you? If you are like most normal working class, you have only 5 hours (deducting 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, 2 hours of travelling and 1 hour of meal time) left to work on.
What I mean is do not keep doing the same thing and hoping it will solve your problem and expect different results because it won't. Do you want a short term solution to a long term problem? Or are you willing to use more time to learn something that can help solve the program for good?
During my search of a long term solution, I understand that I must first be able to search for an extra source of income for the long run and not a one time job or a contract deal for several months. And I also want to know if the extra source can eventually take over my main income.
If it does, that is something worth trying.
And because of the above 2 criteria, I chose to put some of my extra time into stock options trading.
The reasons are simple.
Firstly, I can start with a relatively low amount of start up capital. How small? I started with only $2, 000. Secondly, it offers me the flexibility to make money regardless of market conditions and directions (Of course, if you know how to). Thirdly, I use only less than half an hour to trade. Very little time commitment required.
Last but not least, to date, stock options trading is the only instrument that allows you to turn a losing trade into a winning one and still make a little money. These are just some of the reasons why I chose stock options trading compared to getting a second job.
Of course, it sounded very easy but all my achievements did not come easy. This comes from years of hard work and the lessons that I got from the market. So if you want to be investing your money in the stock market. Whether it is stocks, options or anything, you need to have a proven method that allows you to profit from it consistently.
If you are serious about finding an extra source of income and you really think stock options trading is for you, I urge you to visit my website now.
What you will see on the website will change the way you invest like it changes mine.
If you are in search for a real options strategy to add into your arsenal, then I recommend you my book, Huge Profits Options Trading with Simple Analysis.
This is a no nonsense or textbook strategy book. All the information presented in this book is about sharing with you how to study the market, when to enter and when to exit and take profits. Whether you are into stock or stock options trading, this book is for you.
Go to my website, http://www.buylowsellhightips.com/ to witness the extraordinary stock options trading ebook.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Poon
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