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Friday, August 14, 2009

Tony Robbins' Laws of Success Part I

Start changing your life massively towards your dreams. Let this article below show you how. Enjoy reading.

Anthony Robbins' Laws of Success - Part One

By Nancy Stremmel

A young boy was once facing a Thanksgiving without much to eat. He and his family were too proud to go to the local charity. Yet, early that afternoon, there was a knock on the door and he opened it to a tall man with a large basket of Thanksgiving feast, turkey, vegetables, pies and all manner of sweets and fixings. That day that young man determined to have enough resources in his future to be able to gift many people as his family had been gifted that day.

When he was 18, he had been working and he bought one complete meal for a 2 local families who had nothing. As he gave the food to the first family, playing the part of delivery man, the woman thanked him with such gratitude that he cried as he left. He continued this practice each year and his personal charity grew. He invited friends to join and they helped purchase the food and deliver the food.

This is Law One of the Holy Ghost, given by A Course in Miracles,, "To Have, Give All to All."

Anthony Robbins suggests that we decide what's important to us, and "then take MASSIVE ACTION each day to make it better, even when it doesn't look as if it's working." He calls this Personal Power. With personal power, he explains, we don't give up and we learn from our mistakes.

Colonel Sanders had two years of "nos" before he heard his first "yes." He was refused 1009 times. Walt Disney was turned down 302 times before he got the financing to build Disney World.

The thing that all successful people have in common is that they focus on what they want, not on what they don't have. They are grateful for what they have.

When down, we have to accept where we are, but also accept that where we are is not where we will be. We have to discard any "learned helplessness"! We can't give in to discouragement or the pain of past failures. Colonel Sanders did not give in even after two years of straight "nos"!

Thomas Edison once said, "I'm not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."

Along these lines Tony Robbins promises us, "Your past does not equal your future. No problem is permanent. No problem affects my entire life. This too shall pass if I continue to take massive, positive, constructive action." He then went from living hand to mouth to more than a million dollar net worth in less than one year.

This is something we all can learn, but we have to start here. Our future is not our past. Massive Action will move us from where we are.

Lesson Two will cover making powerful decisions that will turn your life around.

Nancy J. Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of Mindbridge-LOA, the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. She is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.

She believes that when studying Anthony Robbins' powerful laws of success, we also must master the laws of emotion. See for mastery of anger.

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