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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mastery: The Higher Level of Success

The LEAP to Mastery

"Man is what he believes." Anton Chekhov
Day 3 of the Unleash the Power Within.

Mastery is what comes after success. It has been said that success is a double-edged sword. It can bring you down to failure again or it can lift you up to greater heights; it can intoxicate you or show you areas where you can sharpen you as a person. The result depends on your perception. However, if you take on the latter choice, it may be more challenging but a more fulfilling path to take.
Here are the insight details i want to share with you from the third day of this amazing program. There are just so much substance to take in...Swwossshhhhh! (a shower of refreshing water to the soul!) :)

The Seven Areas of CONSTANT Growth for an Extraordinary Life.

1. Physical Body

  • Capacity to maximize your health, energy and vitality.
2. Emotions and Meaning
  • A firm grasp of your emotions frees you to be proactive rather than reactive to the changes you face.
3. Relationships
  • The quality of relationships reflects the Quality of Life.
  • Three important realtionships to nurture: A) Self, B) Other people and C) Your Creator
4. Time
  • The great equalizer.
  • How you transform time to your reality creates the life you have.
5. Work/Career/Mission
  • Work is an obligation.
  • Career is an expression.
  • Mission is your passion that takes you to flight.
6. Finances
  • A significant tool to add spice and value to life.
7. Celebrate & Contribute: Spiritual Sense
  • The source of fulfillment from sowing the right seeds.
To continue your path to mastery or greater success (or even just to sustain your journey to success), evaluate whether you have the
3 Pillars of Success.
1. Get Laser-focused, make it Compelling.
What (Clear)
Why (Compelling)
2. Get the Best Tools.
Correct Map - select a proven map. Success leaves clues - follow it.
Outstanding Mentor - choose those living the results you want and not just teaching it.
3. Get into Action
Values. What are your values? How do you prioritize them?
Beliefs. Replace limiting beliefs with EMPOWERING Beliefs.
Mastery by Modeling, Total Immersion and Spaced Repetition.
Start living the life of your dreams...You deserve it.

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